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tamoadmin 2024-07-25
1.今晚曼联对利物浦谁会赢啊?2.今季 欧联决赛.. 巴塞 定 曼联 win 呢?今晚曼联对利物浦谁会赢啊?希望利物浦赢,然后双方受伤。蔓联受伤球员是福来彻,卡


2.今季 欧联决赛.. 巴塞 定 曼联 win 呢?








今季 欧联决赛.. 巴塞 定 曼联 win 呢?


更正 巴塞 win 就三冠王 (联赛

西班牙杯冠军) 加埋 欧联


巴塞只是和车路士入决赛而没有赢...... 呢句好


曼联抽输咗着白衫出赛,欧联决赛前哨先输一仗!(by lcarus) 呢句仲好

因为好 ***


哈! 其实都倾向曼联会赢

但系都想大家给点意见啦 无心留意见 (即系个d 无谓人讲无谓说话 .... 曼联抽输咗着白衫!(by lcarus)....) 就唔好留啦

多谢各位! 但大家惊唔惊曼联后防搅唔掂 ...美斯/亨利/伊杜奥三个前锋同时间进玫?


008 呢句几好 我个人认为曼联赢. 看完车路士Vs巴塞场波后

知道巴塞之缺点 (搅唔掂用体力既英超球队)


lcarus 只系一头狗


009 你列出既point 好飘忽

又话巴塞上场过关系因为运气 但又话决赛九十分钟内会win 2:1 咁即系点啊

我看好巴塞隆拿 因为: 1)欧联史上,从未有球队连夺2届冠军(只有连衰2届的) 2)艾拉根本挡唔止美斯,曼联又唔会咁贱学车路士3人夹击 3)巴塞阵中有几个以前踢英超的, 亨利、施云奴、古庄臣,碧基仲系上冠军成员, 熟悉曼联点踢 4)曼联中场线输哂,巴塞3人控制中场 5)无左成日走左去唔番GA丹尼尔,巴塞后防反而更稳健

参考: 谂到再加

今季 欧联决赛.. 巴塞 定 曼联 win 呢? 曼联................ 参考:l.yimg/f/iugc/rte/ *** iley_1 !

三冠皇(曼联)大战双冠皇(巴塞) 个人比较看好巴塞多一点

运气 胜于一切

巴塞能于补时阶段淘 汰车仔


因决赛关 系


或要以十 二码决胜


估 计为2:1. (太空翼)

曼联0:0巴塞 希望能帮助你。*版权所有,不得抄袭。

我个人认为曼联赢.... 此中较为隐健... 今年曼联虽然有好多比赛 但系今年欧联曼联晋级过程机乎冇受过任阻制 巴塞冇左两闸...曼联虽然冇左费查但有大把人顶上 但年曼联应付咁多比赛

输得唔多 就算2次输比利物浦都输得起..因为已经有得提前捧联赛冠军杯 主场对波图都系因赛程大密.. 巴塞唔同...表现难讲.... 去到呢d决赛...巴塞可能又神经质...

我觉得应该是曼联赢, 因为巴塞有三个正选后防伤了, 使巴塞的后防差。

Barcelona vs Man Utd What a perfect match in euro champions' league final Barcelona ...... with almost the best attacking partnership..... Thierry Henry on the left

Lionel Messi on the right with Samuel Eto'O in the middle.............score 5 goals or even more in one match for more than 10 times this season !!!! Man Utd........ the defending champion.......with player of the year C Ronaldo............ the record breaking clean sheet run for defending party consisting of Vidic

Van Der Sar and Ferdinand Seems to be a very even match But you should know that the Barcelona right defender Alves and left defender Abidal will both be suspended and the injuried Henry and Iniesta may resume playing in the final

but they still hen't shown up in a formal match until now after their injury In addition

including this season vs Chelsea

Barcelona he not defeated any England team since 2006 ECL final. And Messi never scored when he met England team. Can Barcelona beat Man Utd in the final? I cannot say "NO"

but I believe their chance will not be too high as media expected. Especially Man Utd is under a really good form in the season end. They he already won the English Premier League and can relax and really think about how to play this final. Their only injury is just Rio Ferdinand. He may possibly resume playing this weekend vs Hull. Even he can't play

Ev has proved he is ok to attend big match. C Ronaldo and Tevez scored frequently in the recent matches too. and Man Utd he defeated Barcelona in the last year ECL semi-final (1-0 in aggregate). They should he experience on how to deal with Barcelona. My prediction: Man Utd can win in a narrow scoreline. maybe 1-0!

参考: ME

我估曼联 win 。 因为巴塞只是和车路士入决赛而没有赢。

从欧联冠军的上,巴塞夺冠为1.8而曼联为1.9,可见庄家看高巴塞少少。但实际上双方实力极为接近,两队波皆在上周联赛督定夺得联赛冠军,分别称霸西、英球坛,领导群雄。在欧联淘汰赛阶段,巴塞以3胜3和,入12球失5球姿态进入决赛。曼联则以4胜2和,入9球失3球进入决赛。巴塞中场美斯现以8球领先射手榜,另一中场沙维以6个助榜打入助攻榜第一位。可见巴塞强大的攻力和曼联稳定的防守力。 球员方面,巴塞的攻击重任将落在美斯,伊度奥及亨利身上,再配以沙维及恩尼斯达作支援。曼联则以C朗拿度及朗尼为攻击点,再以卡域克,兰尼等中场作支援。两队人脚上实力相当接近。 在历史上,巴塞两次夺得欧联。而曼联则有三次且今届将争取卫冕。总结上述客观资料,攻击力上巴塞略胜一筹,而曼联的防守力则十分出色。相信未开波是很难作出判断。我则十分欣赏巴塞的攻力和球员。加上上的启示,巴塞机会则大少少。 决赛会于2009年5月27日上演,比赛场地于意大利罗马的罗马奥林匹克体育场举行。比赛时间为当地时间20:45,即本地时间28日清晨2:45分。 希望以上资料帮到你

参考: 个人分析



man utd

barcelona e